FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How to pronounce your company name?

You need to pronounce Cognaxon just like in the word "cognition".
Phonetic transcription:

Cognaxon is made up from two words: "cognition/cognitive" and "axon".
Axon is the part of the neural cell which has the form of a single fiber and which transmits the output signal from the neuron after the analysis of input signals coming through dendrites.

How difficult it is to develop fingerprint recognition system?

To get the idea about the difficulties involved, let's illustrate with the following example. The most comprehensive publicly available source on fingerprint recognition is the book

“Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition”, http://bias.csr.unibo.it/maltoni/handbook published by Springer-Verlag, New York, Inc., 2003 (ISBN: 0-387-95431-7), which contains a collection and systematic analysis of algorithms and concepts about fingerprint recognition from almost all public scientific sources (magazines, articles, etc.). The book is so extensive that it has received the prestigious 2003 PSP award for the "Computer Science" category given by the Association of American Publishers.

The book contains dozens and dozens of concepts and descriptions of algorithms. Any fingerprint recognition algorithm can be divided into small logical steps. The book provides a multitude of techniques for image segmentation, singularity and core detection, image enhancement and filtering, minutiae detection and other processes. If even one of the steps fails, the whole system collapses.

Unfortunately these algorithms can not be incorporated in a practical system using the techniques described in the book, because as described most are either non-functional, incomplete or have a failure rate too high to be of practical use.

However, the book is still very valuable source as the collection of all publicly available techniques all in one place and should be acquired by anybody who is interested in theoretical aspects of fingerprint recognition. It is the best source available.

What investment is necessary to create a fingerprint recognition system?

From our experience, creation of a functional fingerprint recognition system requires at least 10 man years of Ph.D. level effort.

Cognaxon provides a solution – a fully working fingerprint recognition system for very low price.

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