The C++ code for the JNI example are shown below.
JNICALL Java_javatech_jni22_JNIDemo_doStatic
(JNIEnv *jenv, jclass cls) {} // doStatic
JNICALL Java_javatech_jni22_JNIDemo_doSomething
(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject jo) { // Find the
jclass corresponding to the jobject jclass cls
= jenv->GetObjectClass (jo);
// Get the
static a_static_float field. jfieldID fid =
jenv->GetStaticFieldID (cls, "a_static_float",
"F"); jfloat a_static_float =
jenv->GetStaticFloatField (cls, fid); printf
("got a_static_float = %f\n",
// Find the field ID of
the 'my_custom' field jfieldID my_custom_fid =
jenv->GetFieldID ( cls,
"Ljavatech/jni22/MyCustomObject;" ); if
(my_custom_fid ==
NULL) return; printf
("got my_custom_fid\n");
// Get the jobject
reference to 'my_custom' jobject my_custom_jo =
jenv->GetObjectField (jo,
my_custom_fid); printf ("got
// Find the jclass of the
my_custom_jo jobject. jclass my_custom_cls =
jenv->GetObjectClass (my_custom_jo); printf
("got my_custom_cls\n");
// Find the field
ID of the 'val' field of
MyCustomObject. jfieldID val_fid =
jenv->GetFieldID (my_custom_cls, "val",
"I"); if (val_fid == NULL)
{ jthrowable jth =
jenv->ExceptionOccurred (); if
(jth) { printf
(" there was an
exception\n"); jenv->ExceptionDescribe
(); jenv->ExceptionClear
(); printf
(" described and cleared
it\n"); } return; } printf
("got val_fid\n");
// Get the 'val'
field jint val = jenv->GetIntField
(my_custom_jo, val_fid); printf ("got val =
%d\n", val);
// Manipulate it
somehow jint multiplier = (jint)
a_static_float; val *=
multiplier; printf ("multiplied it by %f\n",
// Set it back into
my_custom_jo jenv->SetIntField
(my_custom_jo, val_fid, val); printf ("put it
back into my_custom_jo\n");
// Get the
method ID to call a Java method jmethodID mid =
jenv->GetMethodID (cls, "callback",
"(I)I"); if (mid ==
NULL) return; printf
("got mid\n");
jint param =
8; // Call the Java
method printf ("calling Java 'callback'
method\n"); jint ret = jenv->CallIntMethod
(jo, mid, param); // Check for any exception
that may have occurred during the Java
method jthrowable jth =
jenv->ExceptionOccurred (); if (jth)
{ printf (" there was an
exception\n"); jenv->ExceptionDescribe
(); jenv->ExceptionClear
(); printf (" did not
return from Java
'callback'\n"); } else printf
(" return from 'callback' = %d\n", ret); } //
doSomething |
#include "javatech_jni22_JNIHelloWorld.h" #include
// This is the
non-static native method. Note that it receives a
jobject // argument inthe second position. JNIEXPORT
JNICALL Java_javatech_jni22_JNIHelloWorld_nativeHelloWorld (JNIEnv
*, jobject) { printf ("
Hello World
(non-static)\n"); return; }
// The
static native method receives a jclass variable in the second
position. JNIEXPORT void
JNICALL Java_javatech_jni22_JNIHelloWorld_nativeHelloWorldStatic (JNIEnv
*, jclass) { printf ("
Hello World
(static)\n"); return; } |
#include "javatech_jni22_StringExample.h" #include
<stdio.h> #include
JNICALL Java_javatech_jni22_StringExample_nativeProcessString (JNIEnv
*jenv, jobject jo, jstring js) { // Get
jstring into C string format. const char* cs =
jenv->GetStringUTFChars (js, NULL); char
*cstring = new char [strlen (cs) + 1]; // +1 for null
terminator sprintf (cstring, "%s",
cs); jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars (js,
// Reverse the order of
characters. int len = strlen
(cstring); char *reverse = new char [len+1]; //
+ 1 for null terminator for (int i=0; i <
len; i++) reverse[i] =
cstring[len-i-1]; reverse[len] = 0; // null
// Create a new jstring for
return. jstring jreverse =
jenv->NewStringUTF (reverse); return
jreverse; } // nativeProcessString
JNICALL Java_javatech_jni22_ArrayExample_nativeProcessArray (JNIEnv
*jenv, jobject, jfloatArray the_jarray, jint
j_index) { float* c_array =
jenv->GetFloatArrayElements (the_jarray,
NULL); c_array[3] = -999.f; int
c_index = j_index; float element =
c_array[c_index]; jenv->ReleaseFloatArrayElements
(the_jarray, c_array, 0); jfloat jelement =
element; return jelement; } //
JNICALL Java_javatech_jni22_ArrayExample_nativeProcessArrayRegion (JNIEnv
*jenv, jobject, jintArray the_jarray) { jint
region[10]; jint sum =
0; jenv->GetIntArrayRegion (the_jarray, 5,
10, region); for (int i=0; i < 10;
i++) sum +=
region[i]; return sum; } //
JNICALL Java_javatech_jni22_ArrayExample_nativeModifyArrayRegion (JNIEnv
*jenv, jobject, jintArray the_jarray) { jint
region[10]; for (int i=0; i < 10;
i++) region[i] = -5 -
i; jenv->SetIntArrayRegion (the_jarray, 5,
10, region); } // nativeProcessArrayRegion
JNICALL Java_javatech_jni22_ArrayExample_nativeProcess2DArray (JNIEnv
*jenv, jobject, jobjectArray joa2d) { // Get
the length of the 2D array jint len1 =
jenv->GetArrayLength (joa2d); // Extract the
0-th element from the 2D array and cast into a
jintArray jintArray i2d_0 = (jintArray)
jenv->GetObjectArrayElement (joa2d, 0); //
Get the length of the extracted 1D array jint
len2 = jenv->GetArrayLength (i2d_0);
Allocate a buffer to receive a copy of the elements from the
1D array jint buffer[4]; // Copy
the all of the elements of the entire 1D array into the
buffer jenv->GetIntArrayRegion (i2d_0, 0, 4,
buffer); // Modify them in some
way. for (int i=0; i < 4;
i++) buffer[i]*=2; //
Insert the modified buffer back into the 1D
array. jenv->SetIntArrayRegion (i2d_0, 0, 4,
buffer); } //
nativeProcessArrayRegion |
Most recent update: Oct. 14,
2005 |